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  • Consultants Report

TERA Assessment of Eir’s USO funding application – Direct net cost 2010-2011

Consultants Report
Posted: 18th April 2019
Reference Number: 19/36a

Plum Consulting Assessment of Response Received to Document 18/92

Consultants Report
Posted: 15th March 2019
Reference Number: 19/23a

DotEcon Assessment of Responses Received to Document 18/92

Consultants Report
Posted: 15th March 2019
Reference Number: 19/23b

Report by Frontier Economics on Contribution of Telecommunications Sector to Irish Economy

Consultants Report
Posted: 25th February 2019
Reference Number: 19/09b

The Economic Contribution Of Radio Spectrum to Ireland

Consultants Report
Posted: 20th December 2018
Reference Number: 18/118a

Coverage obligations and spectrum awards

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103d

Future Mobile Connectivity in Ireland

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103c

Meeting Consumers' Connectivity Needs

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103b

Infographic - Meeting Consumers' Connectivity Needs

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103a