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Electronic Communications Complaints Handling Code of Practice - Response to Consultation and Decision

Consultation Response,Decision,Code of practice
Posted: 30th June 2017
Reference Number: ComReg17/62
Decision Number: D04/17

Universal Service Requirements - Provision of access at a fixed location (AFL) Quality of Service (QoS) - Schedules

Posted: 17th February 2017
Reference Number: 17/10a
Decision Number: D03/17

Universal Service Requirements - Provision of access at a fixed location (AFL) Quality of Service (QoS)

Posted: 17th February 2017
Reference Number: 17/10
Decision Number: D03/17

Universal postal service accouting obligations - 2017 Accounting Direction

Posted: 20th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/06
Decision Number: D02/17

Regulatory Accounts template

Posted: 20th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/06a

Summary Regulatory Accounts template

Posted: 20th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/06b

Emergency Call Answering Service Call Handling Fee Review

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 12th January 2017
Reference Number: 17/03

Universal Service Requirements - Provision of Access at a Fixed Location (AFL USO)

Posted: 29th July 2016
Reference Number: 16/65
Decision Number: D05/16

Response to Consultation & Decision on Proposed 3.6 Ghz Band Spectrum Award

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 11th July 2016
Reference Number: 16/57