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  • Guidelines

Regulatory Guidances for Service Providers on the Provision of LLU

Posted: 4th February 2008
Reference Number: 08/11a

National Numbering Conventions v6.0

Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/02

National Numbering Conventions Revision - Update to Version 6

Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/01

Consultation - Postal Strategy Statement (2008-2010)

Posted: 13th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/101

Direction - Ex Directory numbers and the Opt-Out register for Direct Marketing

Information Notice,Guidelines
Posted: 6th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/100

Guidelines for VOIP Providers - Requirements for Directory Services

Information Notice,Guidelines
Posted: 3rd December 2007
Reference Number: 07/99

Utilisation of the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz Spectrum Bands

Posted: 25th October 2007
Reference Number: 07/85

Mobile Radio System Licence (Trunked Radio) Guidelines & Application Form

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 13th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/57

Guidelines on ComReg's Approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment

Posted: 10th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/56a

ComReg's approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment - Response to Consultation and Guidelines

Posted: 10th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/56