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Telecoms Regulator welcomes new Interconnect rates from eircom - 23 % drop on 1999 rates

Media Release
Posted: 28th June 2000
Reference Number: PR280600

Regulator moves on access to mobile networks

Media Release
Posted: 17th May 2000
Reference Number: PR170500

Regulator Publishes New Decision Notice on eircom's Reference Interconnect Offer - RIO

Media Release
Posted: 20th April 2000
Reference Number: PR200400

Cost cuts to telecomms companies

Media Release
Posted: 29th February 2000
Reference Number: PR290200

Regulator to Consult on Scope of the RIO

Media Release
Posted: 18th February 2000
Reference Number: PR180200b

Regulator Agrees New Interconnect Rates For Irish Market

Media Release
Posted: 18th February 2000
Reference Number: PR180200