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Regulator reviews eircom's compliance with Price Cap in 2000

Media Release
Posted: 2nd April 2001
Reference Number: PR020401a

eircom's Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO) and the future development of Accounting Separation

Media Release
Posted: 2nd March 2001
Reference Number: PR020301

Chorus' Price Increase Application for Cabled/MMDS Licensed Areas - Response to Consultation

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/84

ntl's Price Increase Application for Cabled Licensed Areas - Response to Consultation

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/80

Levy on Providers of Postal Services - Response to Consultation

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/79