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COM-22-718 - Dispute Determination

Posted: 27th May 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/43
Decision Number: D03/22

FACO/RFTS Information Notice - Draft final Decision

Information Notice
Posted: 19th May 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/40

Industry Meeting on 24 May 2022 regarding Internet Access Switching

Information Notice
Posted: 16th May 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/41

Conduct of Geographic Surveys under Article 22 of the European Electronic Communications Code

Information Notice
Posted: 11th May 2022
Reference Number: 22/37

Information Notice - Access Products and Services KPI Metrics Draft Decision

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd April 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/27

Consultants' Report - KPI Metrics

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd April 2022
Reference Number: 22/27a

Submissions to the Access and Product KPI Metrics Consultation

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd April 2022
Reference Number: 22/27b

Information Notice: ComReg makes draft determination in dispute between BT and Eircom.

Information Notice
Posted: 14th April 2022
Reference Number: 22/26b

Draft Determination Annex - Correspondence and Submissions

Posted: 14th April 2022
Reference Number: 22/26a

Draft Determination of a dispute between BT and Eircom concerning CEI Access

Posted: 14th April 2022
Reference Number: 22/26