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  • Wholesale

Market Analysis - Wholesale International Roaming

Consultation,Market Commentary
Posted: 13th April 2006
Reference Number: 06/20

Market Analysis: Retail Markets (1 - 6), Interconnection Market ( 8 - 10)

Information Notice
Posted: 1st February 2006
Reference Number: 06/05

Retail minus wholesale price control for the Wholesale Broadband Access market

Posted: 13th January 2006
Reference Number: 06/01
Decision Number: 01/06

ComReg publishes response to consultation on price control for Wholesale Broadband

Media Release
Posted: 23rd November 2005
Reference Number: PR231105

Response to consultation and draft direction on retail minus wholesale price control for the WBA market

Consultation Response,Draft Direction
Posted: 23rd November 2005
Reference Number: 05/88
Decision Number: 03/05

Revised Interim Order Handling Charges

Information Notice
Posted: 9th November 2005
Reference Number: 05/83

CPS Code of Practice Breach: Optic Communications - misleading information

Information Notice
Posted: 14th July 2005
Reference Number: 05/54

Market Analysis - Interconnection Markets, Annex E - Call Case Scenarios

Consultation Response
Posted: 19th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/37c

Market Analysis - Interconnection Markets, Annex C - Views of Respondents

Consultation Response
Posted: 19th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/37b