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Response to Consultation - Interconnection Market Review Wholesale Call Origination & Transit Services

Consultation Response
Posted: 31st July 2007
Reference Number: 07/51

ComReg proposes price cap on Eircom line rental charges

Media Release
Posted: 26th July 2007
Reference Number: PR260707

Submissions to Consultation - Retail Price Cap as a Potential Remedy on Fixed Narrowband Access Markets

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 26th July 2007
Reference Number: 07/48s

Notification of non-compliance by Eircom of its non-discrimination obligation

Information Notice
Posted: 20th July 2007
Reference Number: 07/44

Eircom charge for the provision of Emergency Call Answering Service for interim period

Posted: 20th July 2007
Reference Number: 07/43