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2019 SME Market Research

Posted: 17th June 2020
Reference Number: 20/46b

2019 Residential Market Research

Posted: 17th June 2020
Reference Number: 20/46a

RFTS/FACO Consultation Document and draft Decision Instrument

Posted: 17th June 2020
Reference Number: 20/46

Determination in a dispute between Siro and Eircom

Information Notice
Posted: 29th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/28B

Annexes for Determination of a dispute between Siro and Eircom

Posted: 29th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/28a

Determination of a dispute between Siro and Eircom

Posted: 29th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/28
Decision Number: D06/20

Guidelines and Methodology on Financial Penalties in the context of the Access Regulations - 2016

Consultants Report
Posted: 9th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/25b

Consultation on Calculating penalties for Access Regulations breaches

Posted: 9th April 2020
Reference Number: 20/25

Update on wholesale regulatory matters relating to the impact of Coronavirus

Information Notice
Posted: 26th March 2020
Reference Number: 20/18