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Access Products and Services KPI Metrics Consultation

Posted: 1st April 2021
Reference Number: 21/33

Notification of finding of non-compliance issued to Eircom Limited.

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 8th March 2021
Reference Number: 21/19

Financial Penalty Methodology - Submissions to Consultation 20/25

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 10th February 2021
Reference Number: 20/25s

2020 Oxera Report

Consultants Report
Posted: 10th February 2021
Reference Number: 21/10c

Oxera Supplemental Paper

Consultants Report
Posted: 10th February 2021
Reference Number: 21/10b

Financial Penalty Methodology

Posted: 10th February 2021
Reference Number: 21/10a

Guidelines for the calculation of financial penalties under the Access Regulations – Response to Consultation and Guidelines

Guidelines,Consultation Response
Posted: 10th February 2021
Reference Number: 21/10

Market Review Broadcasting Transmission Services Ireland Non Confidential Submissions to Consultation 20/31

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 15th January 2021
Reference Number: 21/03s

Broadcasting Transmission Service Article 32 Notification

Information Notice
Posted: 15th January 2021
Reference Number: 21/03

Information Notice - Operators correspondence on clarifications concerning the Access Network Model

Information Notice
Posted: 24th December 2020
Reference Number: ComReg 20/129