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  • Corporate

Re-opening the 26 GHz band for Fixed Wireless Access Local Area (FWALA) licensing

Media Release
Posted: 14th November 2007
Reference Number: PR141107

Information Notice: re-opening the 26 GHz band for Fixed Wireless Access Local Area (FWALA) Licensing

Information Notice
Posted: 14th November 2007
Reference Number: 07/91

ComReg consults on its Strategy Statement for 2008-2010

Media Release
Posted: 15th October 2007
Reference Number: PR151007

Consultation - Strategy Statement 2008 - 2010

Posted: 15th October 2007
Reference Number: 07/82

FWALA Geographical Service Area (GSAs) - Response to Consultation

Consultation,Consultation Response
Posted: 25th September 2007
Reference Number: 07/72

Guidelines on ComReg's Approach to Regulatory Impact Assessment

Posted: 10th August 2007
Reference Number: 07/56a

Tuarascáil agus Cuntais Bhliantúla ón gCoimisiún um Rialáil Cumarsáide 2004-2005

Annual Report
Posted: 28th March 2007
Reference Number: AR04/05a

Statutory Annual Report and Accounts for 2004 to 2005

Annual Report
Posted: 28th March 2007
Reference Number: AR04/05