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  • EU Framework

ComReg outlines proposed remedies in the market for wholesale broadband access

Media Release
Posted: 19th November 2004
Reference Number: PR191104

ComReg issues two Consultation Papers on Market Analysis for Retail Fixed Access & Retail Fixed Calls

Media Release
Posted: 1st September 2004
Reference Number: PR010904a

Market Analysis - Retail Fixed Call Markets

Posted: 1st September 2004
Reference Number: 04/95

Market Analysis - Retail Fixed Narrowband Access Markets

Posted: 1st September 2004
Reference Number: 04/94

New conditions on billing accuracy and Carrier Pre-Selection rules proposed by ComReg

Media Release
Posted: 24th August 2004
Reference Number: PR240804

General Authorisation - Amendment of Certain Terms and Conditions

Posted: 24th August 2004
Reference Number: 04/88

ComReg concludes that eircom is dominant in the market for wholesale broadband access

Media Release
Posted: 30th July 2004
Reference Number: PR300704a

Market Analysis: Wholesale Broadband Access (Response to Consultation Document 04/25 and Draft Decision)

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 29th July 2004
Reference Number: 04/83

Market Analysis - Wholesale Voice Call Termination on Individual Mobile Networks

Posted: 29th July 2004
Reference Number: 04/82