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  • EU Framework

Market Analysis - Wholesale International Roaming

Consultation,Market Commentary
Posted: 13th April 2006
Reference Number: 06/20

Notification Form for a General Authorisation Revised

Information Notice,Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 23rd March 2006
Reference Number: 03/82R2

Guidance on Completion of Notification Form Relating to a General Authorisation

Information Notice,Application Form,Guidelines,Briefing Note
Posted: 23rd March 2006
Reference Number: 03/102r

EU Regulators call for inputs into review of EU telecoms regulation framework

Media Release
Posted: 24th February 2006
Reference Number: IRG-ERGPR

IRG/ERG Call for inputs into review of EU Framework on Electronic Communications

IRG/ERG Document
Posted: 24th February 2006
Reference Number: IRG/ERG01

Market Analysis: Retail Markets (1 - 6), Interconnection Market ( 8 - 10)

Information Notice
Posted: 1st February 2006
Reference Number: 06/05

Annex to Consultation Paper 05/49-Financial Statements

Posted: 1st July 2005
Reference Number: 05/49a

ComReg finds eircom dominant in fixed line and calls markets

Media Release
Posted: 22nd March 2005
Reference Number: PR220305