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  • Broadband

Retail minus wholesale price control for the Wholesale Broadband Access market

Posted: 13th January 2006
Reference Number: 06/01
Decision Number: 01/06

ComReg and Ofcom propose coordinated award of spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: PR151205

Annexes to 05/93: Award of available spectrum: 1785 - 1805MHz (ComReg and Ofcom)

Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/93a

Award of available spectrum: 1785 - 1805 MHz (ComReg and Ofcom)

Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/93

Response to consultation and draft direction on retail minus wholesale price control for the WBA market

Consultation Response,Draft Direction
Posted: 23rd November 2005
Reference Number: 05/88
Decision Number: 03/05

26 GHz Fixed Service Band - Spectrum Rationalisation

Consultation Response
Posted: 11th November 2005
Reference Number: 05/84

ComReg publishes consultation paper on Retail Minus price control for wholesale bitstream

Media Release
Posted: 19th August 2005
Reference Number: PR190805

Consultation on retail minus wholesale price control for the WBA market

Posted: 19th August 2005
Reference Number: 05/67

Additional Spectrum available for 10.5 GHz FWALA

Information Notice
Posted: 5th August 2005
Reference Number: 05/61

26 GHz Fixed Service Band Spectrum Rationalisation

Posted: 23rd June 2005
Reference Number: 05/46