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  • Universal Service

ComReg removes requirement on eircom to publish telephone directories in CD format

Media Release
Posted: 10th August 2005
Reference Number: PR100805

Directory Enquiry Services and Directories - Amendment of requirement to make directories available in CD format

Posted: 10th August 2005
Reference Number: 05/64
Decision Number: D8/05

ComReg consults on Telephone Universal Service Obligations

Media Release
Posted: 4th March 2005
Reference Number: PR040305

ComReg consults on definition of the universal postal service

Media Release
Posted: 2nd March 2005
Reference Number: PR020305

ComReg requires eircom to develop clear and predictable policy for providing telephone access

Media Release
Posted: 27th April 2004
Reference Number: PR270404a

Decision Notice on Universal Service - Future approach towards Provision of Access

Posted: 27th April 2004
Reference Number: 04/48

Guidelines for the inclusion of a minimum set of requirements in contracts with end users

Information Notice,Guidelines
Posted: 22nd October 2003
Reference Number: 03/129

Universal Service regime to benefit Irish Telecommunications Users

Media Release
Posted: 18th June 2003
Reference Number: PR180603