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  • Universal Service

Emergency Call Answering Service - Call Handling Fee Review

Posted: 21st October 2014
Reference Number: 14/109

An Post application for derogations from the USO

Posted: 8th September 2014
Reference Number: 14/94a

USO - Application for funding from the Universal Service Provider for the period 2010/2011

Information Notice
Posted: 5th September 2014
Reference Number: 14/93

Information Notice: Provision of telephony services under the USO - Access at a Fixed Location

Information Notice
Posted: 19th August 2014
Reference Number: 14/84

The provision of telephony services under the Universal Service Obligation - Access at a Fixed Location

Posted: 7th July 2014
Reference Number: 14/71
Decision Number: D10/14

Universal Service Obligation Measures for Disabled End-Users - Submissions to Consultation 14/54

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 7th July 2014
Reference Number: 14/70s
Decision Number: D09/14

Universal Service Obligation Measures for Disabled End-Users

Posted: 7th July 2014
Reference Number: 14/70
Decision Number: D09/14