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  • Market Information

Trends Survey Series Q1,2005. Residential Telecommunications and Broadcasting Survey Report

Market Commentary
Posted: 29th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/34b

ComReg Quarterly Report confirms continued growth in the telecoms sector

Media Release
Posted: 18th March 2005
Reference Number: PR180305

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Key Data

Market Commentary
Posted: 18th March 2005
Reference Number: 05/21b

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Market Commentary

Market Commentary
Posted: 18th March 2005
Reference Number: 05/21a

Review of the ComReg Quarterly Report

Posted: 4th February 2005
Reference Number: 05/09

ComReg survey illustrates the benefits of competition in the telecoms sector

Media Release
Posted: 25th January 2005
Reference Number: PR250105

SME Telecommunications Survey - Survey Results

Market Commentary
Posted: 25th January 2005
Reference Number: 05/05a

SME Telecommunications Survey 2004 - Report and Analysis

Market Commentary
Posted: 25th January 2005
Reference Number: 05/05

ComReg Quarterly Report shows strong uptake of Broadband...

Media Release
Posted: 20th December 2004
Reference Number: PR201204

Postal Services Survey

Market Commentary
Posted: 20th December 2004
Reference Number: 04/121e