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  • Market Information

ComReg survey shows businesses are increasingly adopting a range of broadband technologies

Media Release
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: PR110806_

ComReg publishes its Response to Consultation on the wholesale international roaming market

Media Release
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: PR110806

Quarterly Key Data Report Information Notice

Market Commentary
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: 06/36

Market Analysis - Wholesale International Roaming (Response to Consultation)

Market Commentary
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: 06/35

Business Telecommunications Survey Wave 1, 2006: Survey Results

Market Commentary
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: 06/34

Media Statement - ComReg Quarterly Report Q1 2006

Media Release
Posted: 30th June 2006
Reference Number: PR300606

ComReg Q1 2006 Report shows continuing growth in broadband uptake

Media Release
Posted: 29th June 2006
Reference Number: PR290606

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Key Data- June 2006: Explanatory Memorandum

Market Commentary
Posted: 29th June 2006
Reference Number: 06/28a

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Key Data- June 2006

Market Commentary
Posted: 29th June 2006
Reference Number: 06/28

Irish Communications Market: Quarterly Key Data- June 2006: Raw Data

Market Commentary
Posted: 28th June 2006
Reference Number: 06/28b