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  • Quality of Service

Survey Shows Decline in An Post Quality of Service for first six months of 2004

Media Release
Posted: 29th August 2004
Reference Number: PR290804

Quality of Service Domestic single piece priority mail Performance of An Post

Information Notice
Posted: 26th August 2004
Reference Number: 04/89

Fixed Telephony Operator Performance -July - December 2003

Information Notice
Posted: 4th June 2004
Reference Number: 04/61

Fixed Telephony Operator Performance - SMP to OAO results July to December 2003

Information Notice
Posted: 4th June 2004
Reference Number: 04/61b

Fixed Telephony Operator - Detailed Business and Residential Results July to December 2003

Information Notice
Posted: 4th June 2004
Reference Number: 04/61a

ComReg introduces measures for clear pricing on telephone services

Media Release
Posted: 2nd June 2004
Reference Number: PR020604

Consultation Paper - Access to Tariff Information on Directory Enquiry Services

Posted: 2nd June 2004
Reference Number: 04/58

Response to Consultation on Code of Practice for Tariff Presentation

Consultation,Consultation Response
Posted: 2nd June 2004
Reference Number: 04/57

Fixed Telephony Operator Performance: SMP to OAO results - January to June 2003

Posted: 30th October 2003
Reference Number: 03/131b