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  • Quality of Service

ComReg reports on An Post quality of service between January and March 2006

Media Release
Posted: 20th June 2006
Reference Number: PR200606

ComReg issues report on An Post's Quality of Service performance for 2005

Media Release
Posted: 6th April 2006
Reference Number: PR060406

Survey shows marginal improvement in An Post quality of service for first three months of 2005

Media Release
Posted: 30th June 2005
Reference Number: PR300605

An Post's Quality of Service for Domestic Single Piece Mail - Quarter 1 January to March 2005

Information Notice
Posted: 30th June 2005
Reference Number: 05/48

Postal Services Survey

Market Commentary
Posted: 20th December 2004
Reference Number: 04/121e

ComReg sets price for eircom's Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) Charges

Media Release
Posted: 30th August 2004
Reference Number: PR300804