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  • Spectrum

Response to Consultation on a strategy for the management of the radio spectrum

Consultation Response
Posted: 16th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/36

Wireless Trial Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 6th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/35b

Wireless Test Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 6th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/35a

Wideband Digital Mobile Data in the 420 MHZ and 900 MHZ bands

Consultation Response
Posted: 14th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/31

Radio Experimenter Examinations

Information Notice
Posted: 14th February 2005
Reference Number: 05/10

Report of ComReg/Ofcom Joint Working Group Cross-border telecoms issues - Annexes

Joint Working Group Report
Posted: 18th January 2005
Reference Number: JWG01a

Report of ComReg/Ofcom Joint Working Group Cross-border telecoms issues

Joint Working Group Report
Posted: 18th January 2005
Reference Number: JWG01

ComReg consults on the future management of the Radio Spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 9th January 2005
Reference Number: PR090105