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  • Spectrum

New call sign format for Ships' Radio Licences

Media Release
Posted: 5th August 2006
Reference Number: PR050806

Wireless Public Address Systems (WPAS) Licensing - Information Briefing

Posted: 27th July 2006
Reference Number: CP42

ComReg launches licensing scheme for community and religious transmissions

Media Release
Posted: 22nd June 2006
Reference Number: PR220606

OECD ComReg Workshop Timetable

Media Release
Posted: 18th May 2006
Reference Number: PR180506a

ComReg to host OECD workshop on Spectrum Management

Media Release
Posted: 18th May 2006
Reference Number: PR180506

Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1926 (Section 3) (Exemption of Short Range Devices) (Amendment) Order, 2006

Posted: 12th April 2006
Reference Number: (SI160of2006)

Information Notice Comparative Evaluation Stage - Revised FWALA Licensing Process

Information Notice
Posted: 5th April 2006
Reference Number: 06/18

Revised Guidelines to Applicants for Fixed Wireless Access Local Area Licences

Posted: 5th April 2006
Reference Number: 06/17R6

Revised Application Form for Fixed Wireless Access Local Area (FWALA) Licence

Application Form
Posted: 5th April 2006
Reference Number: 06/17a

Co-ordinated ComReg/Ofcom Spectrum Award in 1785-1805 MHz

Licence Competition
Posted: 27th February 2006
Reference Number: 05/93b