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  • Spectrum

Draft interface requirements for new Short Range Devices in Ireland

Posted: 24th July 2008
Reference Number: 08/60

The introduction of New Short Range Devices into Ireland

Information Notice
Posted: 24th July 2008
Reference Number: 08/59

Radio Experimenter Licence: Additional Authorisation (Powers or Frequencies)

Application Form
Posted: 21st July 2008
Reference Number: 02/07R2

ComReg launches consultation on the future use of Mobile Radio Spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 17th July 2008
Reference Number: PR170708

Consultation - Liberalising the Use of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz Spectrum Bands

Posted: 17th July 2008
Reference Number: 08/57

Submissions to Consultation 07/85 - Utilisation of the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz Spectrum Bands

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 9th July 2008
Reference Number: 07/110s

Invitation to Tender: Non-ionising Radiation Site Surveys 2008 - 2009

Public Tender
Posted: 2nd July 2008
Reference Number: 08/52

ComReg outlines its strategy to manage Ireland's Radio Spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: PR010708

Submissions to Consultation 08/20 - Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2008 - 2010

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 1st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/50s