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  • Spectrum

Licensing Digital Terrestrial Radio - Digital Terrestrial Sound Broadcasting Multiplex Licence Conditions

Posted: 16th September 2008
Reference Number: 08/79

ComReg makes additional Spectrum available for Fixed Wireless Broadband Services

Media Release
Posted: 3rd September 2008
Reference Number: PR030908

Revised Register of Users on the Managed Digital Radio Services Network

Information Notice
Posted: 19th August 2008
Reference Number: 08/68R1

Emergency Services Digital Radio ('ESDR') Licence - Guidance Notes & Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 19th August 2008
Reference Number: 08/67

SI 324 of 2008 Wireless Telegraphy (Use of the Band 380-400MHz by Emergency Services) Regulations, 2008

Posted: 19th August 2008
Reference Number: (SI324of2008)

Information Notice - Revised Amendments to ComReg Document 07/81R1 'Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland'

Information Notice
Posted: 31st July 2008
Reference Number: 08/29R

Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland

Information Notice
Posted: 31st July 2008
Reference Number: 07/81R2

ComReg extends deadline for responses to a consultation on the liberalisation of the GSM bands

Media Release
Posted: 29th July 2008
Reference Number: PR290708