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  • Spectrum

Application Form - Amateur Station Licence

Application Form
Posted: 28th May 2009
Reference Number: 09/45a

Amateur Radio Licence Guidelines

Posted: 28th May 2009
Reference Number: 09/45R3

Application Form - Amateur Station: Visitors Temporary Licence

Application Form
Posted: 28th May 2009
Reference Number: 09/45f

Application Form - Amateur Station: Special Event Licence

Application Form
Posted: 28th May 2009
Reference Number: 09/45e

Application Form - Additional Authorisation (Frequency & Power)

Application Form
Posted: 28th May 2009
Reference Number: 09/45d

SI 193 of 2009 Wireless Telegraphy (Aircraft Station Licence) Regulations 2009

Posted: 25th May 2009
Reference Number: (SI193of2009)

SI 192 of 2009 Wireless Telegraphy (Amateur Station Licence) Regulations 2009

Posted: 25th May 2009
Reference Number: (SI192of2009)

ComReg consults on Local Loop Unbundling price reduction

Media Release
Posted: 8th May 2009
Reference Number: PR080509

Submissions to Consultation on Proposals for Local Loop Unbundling Pricing Methodologies

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 8th May 2009
Reference Number: 09/39s