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  • Spectrum

Oxera Report on Spectrum Trading Issues

Consultants Report
Posted: 11th July 2012
Reference Number: 12/76b

Spectrum Trading in the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) bands

Posted: 11th July 2012
Reference Number: 12/76

Multi-band Spectrum Release: Questions & Answers and Clarifications

Information Notice
Posted: 6th July 2012
Reference Number: 12/73

Multi Band Spectrum Award 2012

Application Form
Posted: 6th July 2012
Reference Number: 12/52aR

Aircraft Station Licence Application Form and Guidelines

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 20th June 2012
Reference Number: 09/44R3

Consultation and Draft Decision 26 GHz Changes of Use

Posted: 18th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/64

ComRegs Multi-Band Spectrum Release Workshop Workshop Materials

Information Notice,Speech
Posted: 11th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/61a