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  • Spectrum

Future Mobile Connectivity in Ireland

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103c

Meeting Consumers' Connectivity Needs

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103b

Infographic - Meeting Consumers' Connectivity Needs

Consultants Report
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103a

Improving connectivity in Ireland - Challenges, solutions and actions

Information Notice
Posted: 30th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/103

Response to Consultation - Review of RTÉ's Radio and Television Broadcasting Licences

Consultation Response
Posted: 20th November 2018
Reference Number: 18/97

Plum Report - Potential use of the 400 MHz band in Ireland

Consultants Report
Posted: 24th October 2018
Reference Number: 18/92b

DotEcon Report - Award of Licences for the use of Radio Frequencies in the 400 MHz band

Consultants Report,Report
Posted: 24th October 2018
Reference Number: 18/92a

Further Consultation on the Release of the 410 - 415.5 / 420 - 425.5 MHz Sub-band

Posted: 24th October 2018
Reference Number: 18/92

Spectrum Intelligence & Investigations Annual Report 2017-2018

Information Notice
Posted: 26th September 2018
Reference Number: ComReg 18/86

2018 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation Emissions: Second Interim Report

Posted: 14th September 2018
Reference Number: 18/81