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  • Spectrum

Narrowband licences to bring a wider range of telecommunications to rural communities

Media Release
Posted: 16th June 2000
Reference Number: PR160600

Regulator Moves to Licence Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)

Media Release
Posted: 14th February 2000
Reference Number: PR140200

Guidelines for point to point radio link licences in bands above 1 GHz - Consultation Paper

Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/69

Opening the Market for Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) - Response to the Consultation

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/54

Extending Choice Expanding the local market for FWA - Consultation Paper

Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/47

List of Frequency Channels Used by Licensed Television Deflectors (Excel Version)

Licence Text
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/25Rb

List of Frequency Channels Used by Licensed Television Deflectors

Licence Text
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/25

Compliance with Emission Limits for Non-ionising Radiation - Second Audit Report

Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/06