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  • Spectrum

Regulator launches new 'Wireless in the Local Loop competition' Three Additional licences Offered

Media Release
Posted: 2nd November 2000
Reference Number: PR021100

Regulator announces details of competition to licence terrestrial trunked radio (Tetra)

Media Release
Posted: 6th October 2000
Reference Number: PR061000

Opening the market for Terrestrial Trunked Radio

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st August 2000
Reference Number: 00/54

Regulator confirms award of Broadband Licence to eircom plc

Media Release
Posted: 17th July 2000
Reference Number: PR170700

Telecoms Regulator to consult on New Licences Expanding the Market for Fixed Wireless Access

Media Release
Posted: 13th July 2000
Reference Number: PR130700