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  • Spectrum

New Amateur Radio Regulations Signed

Media Release
Posted: 11th September 2002
Reference Number: PR110902

Authorisations to Replace Licences - New EU Directive

Media Release
Posted: 19th August 2002
Reference Number: PR190802

Speedy Rollout of Wireless Internet on the Way

Media Release
Posted: 30th July 2002
Reference Number: PR300702

New Opportunities for Broadband Roll Out on the Way

Media Release
Posted: 31st May 2002
Reference Number: PR310502

Management of the Radio Spectrum in Ireland - New Strategy Paper

Media Release
Posted: 2nd May 2002
Reference Number: PR020502

Part 5 General Telecommunications Licence (FWPMA Narrowband)- Chorus Communications Ltd.

Licence Text
Posted: 1st March 2002
Reference Number: 02/123

Proposed Amendments FWPMA Licences

Information Notice
Posted: 1st March 2002
Reference Number: 02/121

Response to Proposals on FWPMA Broadband Licences

Information Notice
Posted: 1st March 2002
Reference Number: 02/120

ODTR consults on new initiatives for fixed wireless broadband applications

Media Release
Posted: 20th February 2002
Reference Number: PR200202

Part VI: Technical Conditions of Experimenter's Station - Amateur Radio Regulations

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/78R