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  • Broadcasting

ODTR accepts Chorus Price Increases subject to conditions on customer care and network quality

Media Release
Posted: 17th October 2001
Reference Number: PR171001

New Draft Strategy for Management of the Radio Spectrum in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 3rd October 2001
Reference Number: PR031001

ODTR approves ntl's cable price increase application - subject to conditions

Media Release
Posted: 2nd October 2001
Reference Number: PR021001

NTL seeking price increases for basic television services - ODTR to Consult

Media Release
Posted: 21st August 2001
Reference Number: PR210801

Regulator extends timescale for Deflector Licensing Scheme

Media Release
Posted: 4th May 2001
Reference Number: PR040501a

Telecoms regulator directs Cable/MMDS operators on Code of Conduct for Customers

Media Release
Posted: 6th April 2001
Reference Number: PR060401

ODTR Radio Spectrum Management - Planning for the Future

Media Release
Posted: 5th April 2001
Reference Number: PR020502

Regulator outlines licence framework for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Ireland.

Media Release
Posted: 23rd March 2001
Reference Number: PR230301