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Three refunds customers charged in excess of actual cost of PRS SMS

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 26th July 2023
Reference Number: 23/72

Extension of Consultation 23/52 (Consultation on combatting Nuisance Communications)

Posted: 20th July 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/67

Text Relay Service Take-up and Usage statistics; January to June 2023

Information Notice
Posted: 19th July 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/66

Nuisance Communications - Information Notice

Information Notice
Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52e

Nuisance Communications - Updates to the Numbering Conditions

Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52d

B&A Business survey on Nuisance Communications

Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52c

B&A Consumer survey on Nuisance Communications

Consultants Report,Survey
Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52b

Europe Economics Report on combatting Nuisance Communications

Consultants Report
Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52a