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  • Consumer Issues

End-user Dispute Resolution Procedures Submissions to Consultation 23/107

Consultation Response,Decision,Consultation Submissions
Posted: 2nd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/22s

End-user Dispute Resolution Procedures

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 2nd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/22a

End-user Dispute Resolution Procedures - Response to Consultation and Decision

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 2nd April 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/22
Decision Number: D07/24

Text Relay Service Take-up and Usage statistics - July to December 2023

Information Notice
Posted: 6th March 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/18

Three Ireland implements remedial measures with respect to provisions of the Universal Service Regulations

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 7th February 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/10

ComReg Consumer Care Statistics Report Q4 2023

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd February 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/09

Switching and Number Portability - End-User Compensation. Response to Consultation 23/92 and Decision 01/24

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 8th January 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/01

Emergency Caller Location Information - Consultation on accuracy and reliability criteria

Posted: 19th December 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/117