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Submissions to Consultation 19/88

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 28th November 2019
Reference Number: 19/104s

Response to Consultation 19/88 on Updating the Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process Document

Consultation Response
Posted: 28th November 2019
Reference Number: 19/104

Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process Document 15/136R2

Application Form,Rights of Use
Posted: 28th November 2019
Reference Number: 15/136R2

Draft Revised Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process

Posted: 27th September 2019
Reference Number: ComReg19/88a

Updating the Numbering Conditions of Use and Application Process Document

Posted: 27th September 2019
Reference Number: ComReg19/88

ECS Strategy Statement 2019-2021 Irish Language Version

Strategy Statement
Posted: 19th August 2019

ECS Strategy Statement 2019-2021 Summary Irish Language Version

Strategy Statement
Posted: 31st July 2019

ECS Strategy Statement 2019-2021 English Language Version

Strategy Statement
Posted: 31st July 2019
Reference Number: 19/52 Design

ECS Strategy Statement 2019-2021 Summary English Language Version

Strategy Statement
Posted: 31st July 2019

Analysys Mason document - Implementation and Communications Plan

Consultants Report
Posted: 25th June 2019
Reference Number: 19/65a