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Consultation on combatting Nuisance Communications

Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52

Tackling Nuisance Communications - CLI Call Blocking Update

Information Notice
Posted: 24th May 2023
Reference Number: 23/47

Nuisance Communications - Do Not Originate service update

Information Notice
Posted: 27th March 2023
Reference Number: 23/28R

Review of Utility Non-Geographic Numbers (NGNs) Extension Consultation

Posted: 22nd March 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/27

Research on Utility Non Geographic Numbers (NGNs)

Posted: 22nd March 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/27a

Nuisance Communications: Scam Calls & Texts - Best Practice Guide for Businesses and Organisations

Information Notice,Guidelines
Posted: 13th January 2023
Reference Number: 23/01

Nuisance Communications: Fixed CLI Blocking Intervention Arrangements for International Operations

Information Notice
Posted: 20th December 2022
Reference Number: 22/114

Do Not Originate List – Guidance Note for organisations and Application Form

Posted: 24th October 2022
Reference Number: 22/86a

Nuisance Communications – Launch of ‘Do Not Originate’ Protocol

Information Notice
Posted: 24th October 2022
Reference Number: 22/86

Nuisance Communications - Update on the Nuisance Communications Industry Taskforce

Information Notice
Posted: 30th September 2022
Reference Number: 22/77