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Result of VoIP Framework Review 2006

Consultation Response
Posted: 31st August 2006
Reference Number: 06/45

The 'home-zone' service - an innovation in fixed-mobile telecommunications

Media Release
Posted: 4th August 2006
Reference Number: PR040806

Irish Telephony Numbering & Dialling Plan Status Report - July 2006

Information Notice
Posted: 19th July 2006
Reference Number: 06/31

Irish-Austrian Consortium wins the competition for provision of ENUM services in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 22nd March 2006
Reference Number: PR220306

ComReg to review framework for Voice over Internet telephone services

Media Release
Posted: 5th March 2006
Reference Number: PR050306

Review of VoIP Framework 2006

Posted: 5th March 2006
Reference Number: 06/13

Call for Proposals: Provision of ENUM Tier 1 Registry Services

Public Tender
Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/90

ENUM Terms of Reference: Commercial Operation in Ireland

Public Tender
Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/90a

.eu Domain - Public Body Validation Criteria

Posted: 22nd November 2005
Reference Number: 05/87