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ComReg launches public consultation on the regulation of .ie

Media Release
Posted: 30th June 2008
Reference Number: PR300608

Consultation Paper - Regulation of .ie

Posted: 29th June 2008
Reference Number: 08/48

Irish Telephony Numbering & Dialling Plan Status Report - January 2008

Information Notice,Report
Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/04

Numbering Applications Procedures and Application Forms v2.0

Application Form
Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/03

National Numbering Conventions v6.0

Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/02

Inputs to National Numbering Conventions Fifth Review - Submissions received from respondents

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/01S

National Numbering Conventions Revision - Update to Version 6

Posted: 2nd January 2008
Reference Number: 08/01

ComReg announces phone number changes for 023, 043, 052 and 064 areas scheduled for 2009

Media Release
Posted: 30th November 2007
Reference Number: PR301107


Information Notice
Posted: 30th November 2007
Reference Number: 07/97