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  • Licensing

Review of the Fixed Radio Links Licensing Regime - Consultation and Response to Consultation

Posted: 17th December 2021
Reference Number: 21/134

Permitted Licence Exemptions for Terminals for Satellite Services

Posted: 7th December 2021
Reference Number: 20/47 R3

Spectrum Lease Notification: 3.6 GHz band

Posted: 16th November 2021
Reference Number: 21/115

Fixed Radio Links - Annual Report 2021

Annual Report
Posted: 30th September 2021
Reference Number: 21/97

Application form for a Further Temporary Electronic Communications Service Licence (No.3)

Application Form
Posted: 23rd September 2021
Reference Number: 21/96a

Wireless Trial Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 9th September 2021
Reference Number: 05/35bR

Wireless Test Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 9th September 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 05/35aR