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  • Licensing

Current status of deflector licences application

Media Release
Posted: 16th December 1999
Reference Number: PR161299

Regulator Receives 21 Deflector Licence Applications

Media Release
Posted: 14th December 1999
Reference Number: PR141299

Regulator appeals Orange judgement

Media Release
Posted: 15th October 1999
Reference Number: PR151099

Regulator proposes licences for DTT

Media Release
Posted: 7th October 1999
Reference Number: PR071099

Statement following the judgement in the Orange case

Media Release
Posted: 5th October 1999
Reference Number: PR051099

Rankings announced in 'Wireless In The Local Loop' Competition

Media Release
Posted: 21st September 1999
Reference Number: PR210999

Short-term licensing scheme for Deflectors confirmed

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 1999
Reference Number: PR090999

Consultation on Deflector Licensing

Media Release
Posted: 16th August 1999
Reference Number: PR160899

Regulator Moves on First Licensing Scheme for Satellite Services

Media Release
Posted: 10th August 1999
Reference Number: PR100899

New common mobile text proposed by Regulator

Media Release
Posted: 15th July 1999
Reference Number: PR150799