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  • Licensing

ComReg receives 128 applications for Local Area Fixed Wireless Access Licences

Media Release
Posted: 16th September 2003
Reference Number: PR160903

ComReg outlines terms for new wireless broadband licences

Media Release
Posted: 30th July 2003
Reference Number: PR300703

Information Notice The World Radiocommunication Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 9 June to 4 July 2003.

Information Notice
Posted: 17th June 2003
Reference Number: 03/66

Radio Use for Special Olympics Games 21- 29 June 2003

Media Release
Posted: 9th June 2003
Reference Number: PR090603

New Authorisations replacing Communications Licences

Media Release
Posted: 6th June 2003
Reference Number: PR060603

Future Regulation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services - Arrangements for General Authorisations

Consultation,Information Notice
Posted: 6th June 2003
Reference Number: 03/61

Future Regulation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services -Fees for Authorisations and Rights of Use

Information Notice,Consultation Response
Posted: 1st May 2003
Reference Number: 03/46

Radio licence application form and notes for anyone intending using radio at the Special Olympic Games

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 15th April 2003
Reference Number: 03/43R