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Application Form for a Fixed Satellite Earth Station (FSES) Licence or Teleport Facility Licence

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 9th May 2008
Reference Number: 08/33

Application Form for Transportable Earth Station (TES) Licence

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 9th May 2008
Reference Number: 08/32

Guidelines for Satellite Earth Station (SES) Licences operating in spectrum above 3GHz

Posted: 9th May 2008
Reference Number: 00/64R2

ComReg extends deadline for responses to draft Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2008 - 2010

Media Release
Posted: 2nd April 2008
Reference Number: PR020408

3.5 GHz FWALA Channel A & C Spectrum - Comparative Evaluation Process & Form

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd April 2008
Reference Number: 08/25

ComReg outlines draft strategy to manage the Ireland's Radio Spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 6th March 2008
Reference Number: PR060308

Consultation on Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum: 2008 - 2010

Posted: 6th March 2008
Reference Number: 08/20

ComReg finalises competition for Spectrum in the 26GHz band

Media Release
Posted: 29th January 2008
Reference Number: PR290108

ComReg opens the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz frequency bands for high capacity radio links

Media Release
Posted: 28th December 2007
Reference Number: PR281207

Utilisation of the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz Spectrum Bands

Consultation Response
Posted: 28th December 2007
Reference Number: 07/110