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  • Licensing

Permitted Short Range Devices in Ireland

Quarterly Report,Annual Report
Posted: 12th May 2016
Reference Number: 02/71 R10

Submissions to Consultation 15/131 on ComReg's draft Radio Spectrum Management Strategy

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 20th April 2016
Reference Number: 15131s

Submissions to ComReg Document 15/140

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 11th March 2016
Reference Number: 16/19

Submission to Consultation- Third Party Business Radio: Re-opening the scheme for licensing

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 13th October 2015
Reference Number: 15/109a

Guidelines for Third Party Business Radio applicants

Posted: 7th October 2015
Reference Number: 05/82R3

Application form for Third Party Business Radio

Posted: 7th October 2015
Reference Number: 05/82aR3

Third Party Business Radio: Re-opening the scheme for licensing

Consultation Response
Posted: 5th October 2015
Reference Number: 15/109

Third Party Temporary Business Radio reopening the scheme for licensing

Posted: 1st July 2015
Reference Number: 15/63