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  • Fixed Telephony

Carrier Pre-Selection Routing Code - Application form

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/50

Introducing Carrier Pre-Selection in Ireland - Decision Notice D2/99

Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/29

Introducing Number Portability in Ireland - Decision Notice D1/99

Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/24

Introducing Carrier Pre-Selection in Ireland - Consultation Paper

Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/08

Introducing Number Portability in Ireland - prepared by Ovum for the ODTR - Consultation Paper

Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/01

Introducing Carrier Pre-Selection in Ireland - Information Notice

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/80

Notice to the Electrical Trade - Analogue Cordless Telephones

Media Release
Posted: 7th December 1998
Reference Number: PR071298

Licence Application Procedures to Provide Telecommunications Services

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 1998
Reference Number: PR090998