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  • Fixed Telephony

Itemised Billing by Telecommunications Operator - Response to Consultation & Decision Notice D9/01

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/53

Direction to Eircom on Payphone Access Charge - Information Notice

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/33

Regulator Broadens Scope of General Telecoms Licence

Media Release
Posted: 12th July 1999
Reference Number: PR120799b

Framework for Number Portability Set by Regulator

Media Release
Posted: 21st April 1999
Reference Number: PR210499

Carrier Pre-Selection: Regulator's Proposals to Ease Consumer Choice of Telecoms Operators

Media Release
Posted: 3rd March 1999
Reference Number: PR030399a

Introduction of Number Portability in Ireland - Public Consultation Begins

Media Release
Posted: 22nd January 1999
Reference Number: PR220199a

Introducing Carrier Pre-Selection in Ireland - Information Notice

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/80