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Numbering Application Procedures and Application Forms v3.0

Application Form,Rights of Use
Posted: 9th March 2011
Reference Number: 11/18
Decision Number: D01/11

National Numbering Conventions v7.0

Guidelines,Rights of Use
Posted: 9th March 2011
Reference Number: 11/17
Decision Number: D01/11

National Numbering Conventions Update to V.7 - Consultation Response

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 9th March 2011
Reference Number: 11/16
Decision Number: D01/11

Information Notice - Mobile Gateway Usage in Ireland

Information Notice
Posted: 1st March 2011
Reference Number: 11/14

ComReg Update - UPC Notification of Proposed Changes to Contract Terms and Conditions

Information Notice
Posted: 18th February 2011
Reference Number: 11/13

Application Form: Premium Rate Services - Authorised Service

Application Form
Posted: 24th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/53R

Application Form - Premium Rate Services Licence

Application Form
Posted: 24th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/52R

Guidelines and Sample Application Form: Premium Rate Services Licence

Posted: 24th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/52aR