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Consultation on Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) with Complementary Ground Component (CGC)

Posted: 18th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/96

ComReg Business ICT Services Survey Wave 2, 2009

Market Commentary,Consultants Report
Posted: 9th December 2009
Reference Number: 09/92

Survey reveals over half of businesses reduced communications spend in 2009

Media Release
Posted: 9th December 2009
Reference Number: PR091209

Information Notice: Call for Input on Industry Trends for ComReg Strategy Statement

Information Notice
Posted: 1st December 2009
Reference Number: 09/90

Use of Adaptive Coding and Modulation in Terrestrial Fixed Link Bands

Discussion Paper,Report
Posted: 18th November 2009
Reference Number: 09/87

Consultation: Dispute Resolution Procedures - Framework Regulations

Posted: 4th November 2009
Reference Number: 09/85

ComRegs market report highlights challenging conditions in the communications market

Media Release
Posted: 10th September 2009
Reference Number: PR100909

Quarterly Key Data Report - Explanatory Memorandum

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 10th September 2009
Reference Number: 09/71a