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  • Mobile

3G Operators sign Site Sharing Code of Practice Agreement

Media Release
Posted: 5th March 2003
Reference Number: PR050303

Mobile Spectrum Could Provide Broadband Access

Media Release
Posted: 4th February 2003
Reference Number: PR040203

Irish Consumers to keep Mobile Number when moving Operator from July 2003

Media Release
Posted: 10th January 2003
Reference Number: PR100103

Mobile Number Portability - Implementation Timescales

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd January 2003
Reference Number: 03/03

Extension of deadline for comments on Mobile Accounting Separation & Costing Methodologies

Media Release
Posted: 29th October 2002
Reference Number: PR251002

Extension of deadline for comments on Mobile Accounting Separation & Costing Methodologies

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2002
Reference Number: PR251002

Extension of deadline for comments on Mobile Accounting Separation & Costing Methodologies

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2002
Reference Number: PR251002

New Working Group for 3G Site-Sharing

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2002
Reference Number: PR211002

Vodafone Accepts 3G 'B'Licence

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 2002
Reference Number: PR090902