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  • Mobile

Annexes to 05/93: Award of available spectrum: 1785 - 1805MHz (ComReg and Ofcom)

Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/93a

Award of available spectrum: 1785 - 1805 MHz (ComReg and Ofcom)

Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/93

Smart Mobile Ltd. offered fourth 3G licence

Media Release
Posted: 16th November 2005
Reference Number: PR161105

ComReg launches new website to help consumers compare the cost of mobile phone packages

Media Release
Posted: 10th November 2005
Reference Number: PR101105

ComReg to award National Licences for the Provision of Wide Band Digital Mobile Data Services

Media Release
Posted: 20th October 2005
Reference Number: PR201005

ComReg to award National Licences for the Provision of Wide Band Digital Mobile Data Services

Media Release
Posted: 20th October 2005
Reference Number: PR201005

Market Analysis - Decision on SMP Obligations: Wholesale Voice Call Termination on Individual Mobile Networks  

Posted: 13th October 2005
Reference Number: 05/78
Decision Number: D11/05