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  • Regulatory Policy

ComReg Consults on Fees Payable by Broadcast Distributors

Media Release
Posted: 18th July 2003
Reference Number: PR180703

Consultation Paper- Dispute Resolution Procedures

Posted: 20th June 2003
Reference Number: 03/69

Future Regulation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services - ComReg Consultation Procedures

Information Notice,Guidelines,Briefing Note
Posted: 18th March 2003
Reference Number: 03/31

Chairpersons presentation to the Oireachtas Joint Committee meeting re An Post

Posted: 29th January 2003
Reference Number: 03/10

Cooperation Agreement with the Competition Authority

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd January 2003
Reference Number: 03/06

ComReg Response to Draft Ministerial Direction of 2/12/2002

Information Notice,Comreg Submission
Posted: 2nd January 2003
Reference Number: 03/04

Key HR Award for Telecoms Regulator

Media Release
Posted: 16th December 2002
Reference Number: PR161202

ComReg Reaction to EU Telecoms Report

Media Release
Posted: 9th December 2002
Reference Number: PR081202