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  • Regulatory Policy

Irish Regulator calls for Input to European Regulators' Group Work Programme

Media Release
Posted: 31st October 2002
Reference Number: PR311002

New EU Directive to impact on regulation of Communications Sector

Media Release
Posted: 11th June 2002
Reference Number: PR110602

ODTR review of new EU Directives on providing communication services

Media Release
Posted: 6th March 2002
Reference Number: PR060302

Chairperson's Speech - ECTA Conference 11th December 2002

Posted: 1st March 2002
Reference Number: 02/109

Communications Regulation Act 2002 (Establishment Day) Order, 2002 (S.I. No. 510 of 2002)

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: SI510of2002

Communications Regulation Act, 2002 (No. 20 of 2002)

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: Act20of2002