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  • Regulatory Policy

Consultation Procedures Review - Response to Consultation

Information Notice
Posted: 11th January 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/02

Switching and Number Portability - End-User Compensation. Response to Consultation 23/92 and Decision 01/24

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 8th January 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/01

End-user Dispute Resolution Procedures - Consultation and draft procedures

Posted: 16th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/107

Information Notice - Regulatory Guidance on Title III: End-User Rights of the European Electronic Communications Code

Information Notice
Posted: 25th August 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 20/111R2

Information Notice - Information Requirements pursuant to Section 13D of the Communications Regulation Act 2002

Information Notice
Posted: 15th August 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/77

Clarification Questions and Answers on Consultation 23/52

Posted: 10th August 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/75

Nuisance Communications - Information Notice

Information Notice
Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52e

Nuisance Communications - Updates to the Numbering Conditions

Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52d

B&A Business survey on Nuisance Communications

Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52c

B&A Consumer survey on Nuisance Communications

Consultants Report,Survey
Posted: 16th June 2023
Reference Number: 23/52b